
Joan Aguiló, Street-Artist aus Spanien, verleiht Fassaden eine eigene Iden­tität, eine Geschichte.

Website   joanaguilo.com       Insta­gram @joan_aguilo 

Wir haben Joan in unsere Heimat­stadt einge­laden um Stutt­gart ein kleines biss­chen bunter zu machen. Zu entde­cken sind die Murals in der Schwab­straße 139.

Fliegen/ Volar 

Stutt­gart is a city with a big univer­sity student commu­nity. In this mural, a future aero­nau­tical engi­neer learns about flying. The answer is always in nature. 
The birds in the picture are cyanistes caeru­leus, a very common specie in the area, and one of the most colourful birds in Europe. (Joan Aguiló) 

Baum/ Arbre  

Stutt­gart is a city in a valley. It is surrounded by nature ever­y­where you can see, with plenty of animals, flowers, and speci­ally beau­tiful and big trees. In the picture, a univer­sity student enjoys the summer break reading in one of them. (Joan Aguiló) 

Pause/ Pausa 

Nothing better than chil­ling for a while on the grass, when you are supposed to be studying.  
(Joan Aguiló) 


Hier geht es zu den freien Apart­ments: Wohnungs­an­ge­bote